home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # This file was preprocessed, do not edit!
- my $infodir="/var/lib/dpkg/info";
- use strict;
- use Debconf::Db;
- use Debconf::Gettext;
- use Debconf::Template;
- use Debconf::Config;
- use Debconf::AutoSelect qw(:all);
- use Debconf::Log qw(:all);
- Debconf::Config->priority('low');
- my $unseen_only=0;
- my $all=0;
- my $force=0;
- my $default_priority=0;
- my $reload=1;
- Debconf::Config->getopt(
- gettext(qq{Usage: dpkg-reconfigure [options] packages
- -a, --all Reconfigure all packages.
- -u, --unseen-only Show only not yet seen questions.
- --default-priority Use default priority instead of low.
- --force Force reconfiguration of broken packages.}),
- "all|a" => \$all,
- "unseen-only|u" => \$unseen_only,
- "default-priority" => \$default_priority,
- "force" => \$force,
- "reload!" => \$reload,
- );
- if ($> != 0) {
- print STDERR sprintf(gettext("%s must be run as root"), $0)."\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- Debconf::Db->load;
- if ($default_priority) {
- Debconf::Config->priority(Debconf::Question->get('debconf/priority')->value);
- }
- if (lc Debconf::Config->frontend eq 'noninteractive' &&
- ! Debconf::Config->frontend_forced) {
- Debconf::Config->frontend('dialog');
- }
- my $frontend=make_frontend();
- unless ($unseen_only) {
- Debconf::Config->reshow(1);
- }
- my @packages;
- if ($all) {
- @packages=allpackages();
- exit unless @packages;
- }
- else {
- @packages=@ARGV;
- if (! @packages) {
- print STDERR "$0: ".gettext("please specify a package to reconfigure")."\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- foreach my $pkg (@packages) {
- $frontend->default_title($pkg);
- $frontend->info(undef);
- $_=`dpkg --status $pkg`;
- my ($version)=m/Version: (.*)\n/;
- my ($status)=m/Status: (.*)\n/;
- if (! $force) {
- if (! defined $status || $status =~ m/not-installed$/) {
- print STDERR "$0: ".sprintf(gettext("%s is not installed"), $pkg)."\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($status !~ m/ ok installed$/) {
- print STDERR "$0: ".sprintf(gettext("%s is broken or not fully installed"), $pkg)."\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- if ($reload) {
- Debconf::Template->load("$infodir/$pkg.templates", $pkg)
- if -e "$infodir/$pkg.templates";
- }
- foreach my $info (['prerm', 'upgrade', $version],
- ['config', 'reconfigure', $version],
- ['postinst', 'configure', $version]) {
- my $script=shift @$info;
- next unless -x "$infodir/$pkg.$script";
- my $is_confmodule='';
- if ($script ne 'config') {
- open (IN, "<$infodir/$pkg.$script");
- while (<IN>) {
- if (/confmodule/i) {
- $is_confmodule=1;
- last;
- }
- }
- close IN;
- }
- if ($script eq 'config' || $is_confmodule) {
- my $confmodule=make_confmodule(
- "$infodir/$pkg.$script", @$info);
- $confmodule->owner($pkg);
- 1 while ($confmodule->communicate);
- exit $confmodule->exitcode if $confmodule->exitcode > 0;
- }
- else {
- Debconf::Db->save;
- my $ret=system("$infodir/$pkg.$script", @$info);
- if (int($ret / 256) != 0) {
- exit int($ret / 256);
- }
- Debconf::Db->load;
- }
- }
- }
- $frontend->shutdown;
- Debconf::Db->save;
- sub allpackages {
- my @ret;
- local $/="\n\n";
- open (STATUS, "</var/lib/dpkg/status")
- || die sprintf(gettext("Cannot read status file: %s"), $!);
- while (<STATUS>) {
- push @ret, $1
- if m/Status:\s*.*\sinstalled\n/ && m/Package:\s*(.*)\n/;
- }
- close STATUS;
- return sort @ret;
- }